Asking someone to marry you?             These are the cutest marriage proposal ideas! 

Asking your loved one to marry you is, of course, a very special and important event. Whether you want to propose in an intimate setting or make it as spectacular as possible, good preparation is always nice. We will share some tips with you and inspire you for the marriage proposal of your dreams!

Before planning your marriage proposal, it is important to think about a few things. Perhaps you and your partner have already discussed your ideal engagement? In that case, of course, you can respond perfectly to your loved one’s wishes. In addition, think about the size of the proposal. Does your partner love being (the centre of attention)? Can it not be spectacular enough? Does he or she love surprises? Then you can really go all out with your marriage proposal and consider a public proposal. Would your partner feel uncomfortable with a big and/or public marriage proposal? Then plan an intimate but romantic proposal. If you are traditional, it is of course also a beautiful gesture to ask family for your beloved’s hand before the marriage proposal.

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An intimate wedding proposal

Even intimate proposals can be dressed up in a creative and original way. It is great fun to enjoy your “little secret” together after the proposal and to surprise your friends and family with the nice news later. We list some ideas for an intimate wedding proposal for you!

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Cosy at the kitchen table

Starting the day together at the kitchen table is, of course, one of the fine moments in a relationship. A moment that is perhaps too often taken for granted but is so precious. Are you real coffee drinkers, do you eat your breakfast together every day or do the best conversations take place at the kitchen table? Then it is a nice idea to propose to your partner by writing the question at the bottom of a coffee cup. Make sure you have the ring ready so that when the cup is emptied and your partner sees the hidden message you can immediately pop the question in person.

Say cheese!

How fun is it to instantly capture your proposal in photos? You can with this creative marriage proposal idea. Take your sweetheart into town for a day of shopping or a nice lunch. Find out in advance where a photobooth is located and make sure your route passes the photobooth. When you pass the photobooth, you can spontaneously suggest taking some crazy photos. Watch carefully how many photos are taken and make sure you pull out the ring during the second or third photo. You can then choose whether to pop the question directly so that your fiancĂ©’s reaction can be seen in the last photo. Or you can secretly hold the ring for the photos and wait for your fiancĂ© to see the photos and suddenly realise that you just proposed. What fun memories you will have of this moment!

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Love picnic

Asking your partner to marry you at a picnic, it seems so simple but as far as we are concerned it is still one of the most romantic and intimate ways to propose. You can also personalise a picnic so that the proposal suits you perfectly. Want the proposal to really come as a surprise? Then have the picnic in a place you frequent. If you go for walks regularly, it is best to bring a picnic for a nice break. Your suitor won’t suspect much, because bringing a picnic when you go hiking is something quite normal. Are you at home a lot or have you just moved into a new house yourself? Then it is great fun to prepare a picnic in the garden or inside the house. Choose an (empty) room and fill it with lights or candles. A romantic moment in a place so familiar to you. During the picnic, choose a nice moment to bring out the ring and make the surprise complete!

Exuberant marriage proposal

Do you want to completely dazzle your partner, don’t mind being the centre of attention or simply want to celebrate your engagement big right away? Then you can go “all out” with an exuberant and public marriage proposal. We list some original marriage proposals for you.

Concert proposal

If you love music and attend concerts regularly then this is the marriage proposal for you. Seeing your (favourite artist) live is already quite an experience. Being asked to marry during “your song” is of course unforgettable! A great tip: take a few notes with you that you can secretly give to people standing or sitting around you. Put on the note during which song you are going to propose to your partner and ask if people would like to film this moment for you. There are bound to be many people willing to help you with this! If you want to go even bigger, see if you can arrange with the artist to propose to your partner on stage. The more famous the artist, the harder it will be to arrange, but it is worth a try, right? Music is an important part on your wedding day anyway. Want to know how to choose the best music for your wedding? Read this blog!

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Travel proposal

If you love travelling a lot or take regular city trips, then it is of course very fitting to propose marriage during one of your trips. OK, maybe this idea is not the most original but there are plenty of ways to make it memorable. A proposal at the Eifel Tower becomes even more special with beautiful floral decorations and candles. Or how about a tour of the London Eye? Get in touch to see if you can hire your own dome for this so that this moment is completely private. Need help organising such a proposal? Have a look for a party planner in town who can take care of this sort of thing for you. Above all, do not forget to hire a photographer to capture this beautiful moment!

Love is in the air

If you are not afraid of heights then a proposal in the sky is unforgettable. Surprise your loved one with a balloon ride. Of course, this is already a fantastic experience in itself, but when you get down on your knees as you enjoy a beautiful view, this experience is even more fantastic. Take some more beautiful engagement photos in the sky that you can send to friends and family after this fantastic day. Of course, this idea can also be perfectly executed with a helicopter flight. The latter idea has the advantage that you can choose where to land. For example, you can have yourself flown to a beautiful hotel or restaurant to celebrate your engagement.

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There are so hundreds of ways to make your proposal. What matters most is that you have an unforgettable moment together and can start looking forward to your wedding together. Once your partner has said “yes”, you can start planning your wedding. Know what to think about when planning a wedding? Then read this blog!

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